Boxing Day Hamilton 10 Miler
Boxing Day, 2022. It’s -6 C outside, -11 with the wind chill. I’m 2K into the Hamilton 10 miler and sweating my whatsits off.
A Great Time at 5 Peaks Heart Lake
A beautiful day, a great turnout and a course that good, but not killer made for a great time at 5 Peaks Heart Lake.
Running the Sport at 5 Peaks Albion Hills. But first: Covid!
2 Weeks before 5 Peaks Albion Hills I got covid, and only finally tested negative again the day before. To say it was a pain in my A would be an understatement.
Cruising along at the Toronto Waterfront 10K. June 18, 2022
The Toronto Waterfront 10K. I like this run! My first time running the course; it starts near Exhibition place, goes half way to my place, and then back again.
Beautiful Landscapes and Hella Rocky Terrain at 5 Peaks Rattlesnake
5 Peaks Rattlesnake: great course – hella rocky terrain!
Evaluating the First Races of 2022
The goal: beat my race times from 2019. First 6 races of the year down, what do the numbers say? It’s not pretty.
Gear Check: 6 Ways I’ve Tried Running with my Phone
Arm band, jacket pocket, shorts pocket, hydration vest. When I’m running with my phone I don’t want to hold it in my hand. Here’s are 6 different ways I’ve tried carrying it and what I find works best for me … so far.
